Organiser: Wim De Clercq
Ghent, 18-19 January, 2017
A workshop presenting the database linked to the nine-volume series Names on Terra Sigillata (NOTS), which provides the interational standard referenceframework for the determination of name stamps on terra sigillata, the Roman luxury ceramics ‘par excellence’. With this database the authors want to ensure the continuation of their work and seek an active co-operation of institutions such as Ghent University (and the SDEP network) for the difussion and use of the database in Europe for research and teaching.
During the workshop the procedures for data-input and searched are presented followed by an hands-on exercise to input name-stamps from Belgian sites in Liberchies, Asse, Lokeren, Grobbendonk, and Kontich.
Lectures show the possibilities of using the database in tracing and analysing economic processes (trade geography).
Ghent University will contribute to input and update the NOTS database and will have full access for deep searches supporting archaeological and historical research into economic processes and structures.
- Dr. Brenda Dickinson: specialiste terra sigillata, auteur van Names on Terra Sigillata (ret. Univ. of Leeds)
- Dr. Brian Hartley: specialist terra sigillata, mede-beheerder databank
- Dr. Allard Mees: ontwerper en beheerder van de databank (Römisches-Germanisches Central Museum, Mainz)
- Dr. Xavier Deru: docent Romeinse Archeologie Univ. Lille3 (Fr.)
- Dr. Fabienne Vilvorder: specialiste Romeins aardewerk, Univ. Cathol. de Louvain-La-Neuve
- Dr. Patrick Monsieur: specialist klassiek-Romeins aardewerk en amforen, Ugent.
- Drs. Tim Clerbaut: praktijkassistent Vakgroep Archeologie, Ugent
- Prof. dr. W. De Clercq: hoofddocent Historische Archeologie, Ugent
- Prof. dr. K. Verboven: hoogleraar Klassieke Geschiedenis, Ugent